#WubWubWednesday – Trippy Turtle

I first saw Trippy Turtle when he warmed up the crowd before Dillon Francis took the stage at The Aragon Ballroom a few months ago. Needless to say his funky fresh sound, positive energy and blending of great 90’s hip hop made him stand out to me. Its going to be fun to see him this Saturday at Navy Pier for Snowstorm Music and Arts Festival. Below check out one of his fresh tracks “Wet”.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/134751852″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Snowstorm – Winter Music and Arts Festival



Chicago, your wait for a new music festival is finally over! With the 5th year of North Coast Music Festival and the 4th year for Spring Awakening Music Festival just around the corner it was about time someone other than React Presents started throwing legitimate events in this great city. With many small promotion companies taking a stab at the EDM market, it’s refreshing to see that the Gathering Group will he hosting this event.

If that name sounds familiar it should. The Gathering Group is responsible for bringing in Eric Prydz to Chicago last year for the Future Sound Music Festival which highlighted Tech Week Chicago. They are also the brains behind Afterburn the official after party of the Great Chicago Fire Festival.

Event Details:
What: Snowstorm, Chicago’s first winter music and arts festival
Who: The event is open to fans of electronic music and those looking for a unique music festival experience to break the cold monotony of winter
When: Saturday, March 7, 2015 – 6:00pm-1:00am
Where: The Grand Ballroom and Lakeview Terrace at Navy Pier

Confirmed Artists:artist anouncement 2-3 option 2


More artist will be released tomorrow at 11 AM CST

Ticket packages we’re announced on Thursday, February 4th at Noon ET and are available for purchase at: www.snowstormfest.com. For more information about Snowstorm, please visit: www.snowstormfest.com.

As we speak the $35 Early Bird GA Tickets are 80% Sold out! Get your tikets before the price goes up!

GA Early Bird 80% SOLD OUT