Chicago’s holy trinity in the evolution of sound, Autograf continues to pump out iconic originals and breathtaking , blissful remixes. Their latest creation, a remix of Faithless’ “Drifting Away” is no different. It personifies exactly why Autograf continues to grow as a brand and why we are so lucky to call them our own.

The original is broken down getting rid of the powerful opera vocals, instead you are asked to focus on the underlying simple melody that is heard building throughout
the track. As you drift away (all puns intended) into the melody and become comfortable, Autograf flips the proverbial switch dropping a housey bassline that is so simple yet effective to the song’s narrative that it’s shocking. This is not an over produced remix, though I don’t doubt each element was carefully thought out. The subtle touch of piano and the strings that make Up the main melody are a welcome addition to this music lover. In the end the track gets back to its main melody only to fade away to silence too soon.