Over the years React Presents’ Spring Awakening Music Festival has grown exponentially: expanding from 2 days to 3, raising the stage production, bringing in some great artist and of course having more attendees. On paper all of this looks great, but in reality if wasn’t this year. The heavy hitters for the most part didn’t seem to bring their A game in terms of production or set arrangement. Some recycled sets from previous festivals and some didn’t do anything to make their sets memorable. I can’t say everyone was bad as Diplo, Knife Party, Benny Benassi and Kaskade all and good sets and are definitely my highlight.
There was good variation this year among the EDM sub-genres with stages hosted by specific labels, but in my opinion the music was lacking as opposed to the last 2 years.
The larger crows created a logistics nightmare at the 2 entrances into the fest and having just 2 tents to divined up the will call and guest list lines was definitely not a good idea. It took people upwards of an hour if not longer to get through the lines and security just to get in. That shouldn’t happen in Chicago’s only EDM festival which is becoming THE festival in Chicago besides Lolla that many will want to attend. A third entrance would be highly suggested for next year.
The highlight of the entire weekend was meeting all of you. From our official meet up on Day 2 to just walking around the stadium, it was great to meet some new fans take pics trade kandi and even bump into fans that at this point have become acquaintances and friends. I’d like to thank YOU for that.
To check out our entire picture gallery from Spring Awakening Music Festival 2014 FOLLOW THIS LINK!!!
Last year’s Spring Awakening blew me away as far as production and artists. This year, I can’t say the same thing. Although the stages were changed up, I can’t say that I was wowed. The artists used minimal lazers, if any, and did not put a lot of effort into their sets. They were very overplayed and bland. The only artist that I will compliment is Diplo. His set was very lively and did not have any dull moments. He played a variety of his work as well as other popular tunes. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves finally.
Pricing of vendor alcohol did not change much from last year. This year, however, did have more options for food. This gave it a more festival feel. Port-a-potties were available throughout the festival. However, they were not clean and most of them had no toilet paper before the end of the night.
Although my 2013 SAMF experience was amazing, this year has shown me that I would have two options for SAMF 2015: VIP tickets or none at all. The fest is all ages, and that is a problem. Chicago teens do not know how to behave and can’t control themselves. I saw too many people get carried out on stretchers, heard too many people ask for drugs, and saw too many people get ditched by their friends at a time of need. I was disgusted with people.
We also had a chance to INTERVIEW Chicago local talent RJ Pickens, to read our entire INTERVIEW and check out one of his better sets of the year FOLLOW THIS LINK

Pictured from left to right, Cathy,Izabela, Rj Pickens and Marcin post interview after his Silent Disco set at SAMF14 at Soldier Field in Chicago.
We’ll be seeing you at North Coast
Don’t Be Shy, Just Stay Chi!